If you are looking to work from home, online data entry jobs can be a great source of income. Whether you are retired, a student, a stay at home parent or you are just looking for a part-time work from home; data entry jobs can be a sustainable source of income. There are numerous genuine, professionals and experienced outsourcing companies who offer data entry positions and jobs to individuals who want the flexibility of working from their home computers.
However, it’s critical to take a cautious approach when seeking legitimate data entry companies for employment. You might have heard of fraudulent companies that attempt to take advantage of people by offering fake job positions. Knowing how to differentiate the legitimate data entry companies from the fraudulent ones can ensure that you find a genuine data entry related job from a reputable agency.
How to Do Online Data Entry Jobs From Home?
Basically, you are going to be inputting data into a computer system in the form of numbers, symbols, or letters. Information is translated from documents, files, or other formats, into software that’s used for data entry. Data entry tasks can include uploading data, organizing data, updating data, checking information for accuracy, deleting or modifying incorrect data,, and more.
You can get paid by:
- Per piece
- Per keystroke
- Per-word
- Hourly Wage
Many industries like Telecom, Health care, IT, Finance, and Retail, etc. need online data entry in large volumes. The payment for each of these industries varies based on the location you are in, the difficulty level of the task, speed of your data entry capability, and whether you are an employee or an independent contractor, etc.
How to Identify Fraudulent Data Entry Organizations
Many fraudulent data entry companies post job listings to entice those who are seeking legitimate data entry work, only to end up losing money and falling prey to a scam. They not only take advantage of people, but they promote a negative reputation for real, honest data entry companies.
There are several key things to be aware of and look out for when researching for a work-from-home data entry position. Knowing how to spot the red flag will help you avoid costly, frustrating, and emotionally upsetting scams.
How to identify a fake data entry job offer:
- Unlike the usual job interview process of multiple interviews and training, you’re offered the job without any interview process or request for a resume, application, qualifications, or discussion with an employee.
- Offering a small “starter” check to help you get established with supplies, or asking for a fee to help you train.
- Request for personal information, like your Social Security Number.
- Salary details are vague, or they offer a large sum for little work.
- They require you to pay for extra “training” or “certification”.
How to Report a Fraudulent Data Entry Company
If you identify a fraudulent data entry position or suspect you are being scammed by one, you can take action. You can help to protect yourself in case you are subject to a scam, and it also helps to bring awareness to the fraudulent organization so that you can help save others from this experience in the future.
You can file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center which requires you to give the following:
- Your name, phone number, and mailing address.
- The name, phone number, mailing address, and web address of the organization involved in the scam.
- Details about the fraudulent occurrence.
You can also report fraudulent activity to these other organizations:
- The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- The Better Business Bureau (BBB)
- You can report a fraudulent website to Google
Remote Data Entry Jobs – The Pandemic Effect
The Covid-19 Pandemic caused a sudden shift to the remote working system resulting in a drastic increase in the number of data entry jobs from home.
While it opened many opportunities for data entry professionals and enabled access to well-paying jobs without the hassle of long commutes or infection risk, it also made them more vulnerable to job scams.
Data entry organizations also faced challenges arising due to the pandemic, such as data security risks, internet bandwidth limitations, and fraud risks.
To overcome these challenges, employers collaborated more closely with their remote data entry teams setting up more sophisticated data security protocols, ensuring enterprise-grade connectivity, and upgrading employee monitoring measures.
As the pandemic recedes and a system of hybrid working is prevailing in workspaces, it is more important to be aware of how to spot remote data entry job scams.
Thorough research into the organization’s legitimacy before accepting remote data entry job offers can help avoid unpleasant experiences.
Legitimate Data Entry Specialists
Data entry jobs can be a great way for people who want to work from home but still make a good income. But beware of fraudulent data entry related jobs, as they are more common than you think, and can be an emotionally and financially negative experience. If you do your research, and rely on trusted and respected experts such as Data Entry Outsourced (DEO), you can find honest work from real data entry professionals with transparent financial benefits.
– DataEntryOutsourced