Author Archive

Outsourcing Data Management can Increase the Quality Control of Your Business’s Data Governance

Outsourcing Data Management can Increase the Quality Control of Your Business’s Data Governance

28 Feb 2017

Today’s modern business is challenged by the need to become fully data-driven, a goal that’s not easily achieved without sound data governance. Competitive organizations m Read More

Data Entry beyond Technological Based Industries: Versatility and Value for a Variety of Career Fields

Data Entry beyond Technological Based Industries: Versatility and Value for a Variety of Career Fields

31 Jan 2017

It’s natural to assume that the majority of industries who practice some sort of data entry in the course of daily work are those that fall into a category of technology, or some other related field Read More

Effective Disaster Relief, Preparedness, and Recovery via Centralized Data Collection and Management

Effective Disaster Relief, Preparedness, and Recovery via Centralized Data Collection and Management

03 Jan 2017

It’s an unfortunate reality that natural disasters can occur at anytime, anywhere in the world, causing massive amounts of destruction in their wake. When this happens, resources are limited and dif Read More

How Data Entry is referenced in Popular Culture, Both Past and Present

How Data Entry is referenced in Popular Culture, Both Past and Present

29 Nov 2016

Pop culture embraces all things relevant in media, particularly in movies, music, television, sports, news, fashion, and technology. It’s a focal point in Western culture, and serves to provide a po Read More

Data Mining, Processing, and Analysis is Applied within Criminal Investigation

Data Mining, Processing, and Analysis is Applied within Criminal Investigation

01 Nov 2016

The majority of the crime solving process during criminal investigation and forensic work isn’t the “gut feeling,” exciting, and spontaneous methodology that occurs on popular television shows a Read More

The Enterprising Ways Data Entry is utilized in Future Space Exploration

The Enterprising Ways Data Entry is utilized in Future Space Exploration

28 Jun 2016

For all its numerous utilizations throughout various career fields, data entry is applied most industriously across all aspects of the science world. Fascinatingly, but unsurprisingly, data entry play Read More

Successful Data Management in Higher Education Institutions

Successful Data Management in Higher Education Institutions

14 Jun 2016

Advanced education, for both undergraduate and graduate level, continues to be a data driven enterprise with applications in all fields of study. The more obvious sectors of d Read More

How Data Entry Effects Innovation in Eco-Conscience Industries

How Data Entry Effects Innovation in Eco-Conscience Industries

31 May 2016

The world is moving towards a progressive stance on eco-applications in every industry, from farming and wind energy, to hybrid cars and eco-industrial parks. As climate change is becoming a globally Read More

Federal Employment: Enforcement of Regulations and Internal Policies Regarding Data Entry Utilization

Federal Employment: Enforcement of Regulations and Internal Policies Regarding Data Entry Utilization

17 May 2016

Federal employment in the United States spans a diverse range of careers, including the Postal Service, Veteran’s Hospitals, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Aviation Administrat Read More

The Entertainment Industry and Data Entry: Movies and Music

The Entertainment Industry and Data Entry: Movies and Music

03 May 2016

America is well known for its thriving and glamorous entertainment industry. The movie industry, largely based in Hollywood, California, boasted over $11 billion in global ticket sales in 2015. Celebr Read More