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Benefits of Offshoring Data Entry for E-Commerce Startups

Sales on the web hit $394.86 billion last year, with almost 12% of all retail purchases originating from online stores. With the ease of online shopping, this is only going to increase the growth of e-commerce shopping. The e-commerce landscape is being shaped by larger businesses, and e-commerce startups who are looking to get a grip on industry opportunities need to be able to tap into the same resources being successfully utilized by their larger peers.

Offshoring data entry helps e-commerce startups obtain competitive services without having to devote their resources towards critical, yet skill based and time-consuming tasks. A recent prediction by eMarketer projects that global retail e-commerce sales, fueled by digital growth, will surpass $4 trillion in 2020. It's never been a better time for startups to develop aggressive techniques to support their growth, and outsourcing data entry provides a smart, cost-effective solution.

Challenges E-Commerce Startups Face

E-commerce businesses face many challenges in the initial phases of development that outsourcing data entry can help to address successfully.

Key challenges for smaller e-commerce startups include:

  • Building Trust: Part of establishing trust as a new business is being consistent with your customers. That includes accurate product and service information to prevent confusion, providing optimized searchability for item offerings, and elevating the visual components of your site with enhanced images.
  • Personalization/Customer Experience: It's vital to maintain the product and service items listed on your website and affirm that it's in-sync with your inventory so that customers can easily browse through products, search for what they want, and have clear descriptions about everything from item details to shipping rates.
  • Ease of Use and Technology: E-commerce businesses must offer a simplified, streamlined, online experience that's easy for their customers to navigate, which may be difficult with limited resources. Similarly, businesses are impeded by limited access to technology that maximizes capabilities.
  • Competition: Staying updated and informed as to competitor offerings, strategies, and pricing can be challenging for startup businesses, yet it's a crucial factor in informing your decision-making process.
  • New Product/Service Launches: Many e-commerce startups find it difficult to navigate new product and service launches, particularly because of insufficient, inaccurate, or poorly represented item information and images.
  • Payment Problems: Refining payment systems are often problematic for startups, especially regarding payment invoices and customer information, like a credit card, demographic, email information, etc.

Offshore Data Entry Advantages and Examples

E-commerce startups can overcome the challenges mentioned above, and acquire external resources and support for assorted data entry needs. In addition to generalized outsourcing benefits, like cost savings, access to experts, specialists, and digital technologies, and increased internal productivity, offshore data entry for e-commerce startups helps with the development and enrichment of the online experience for customers.

The following examples indicate critical data entry outsourcing services that amplify an e-commerce startup's ability to provide better services and experiences, and optimize their online capabilities:

  • Product Data Entry: E-commerce startups can keep their product descriptions, pricing, categories, stock, and shipping information well organized, accurate, and maintained. Product offerings can even be rendered in 360-degree views to help customers better visualize potential purchases.
  • Catalogue Data Entry: This includes optimizing product images, adding descriptions for items and services, increasing searchability for customers with indexing and product updates, and tagging images for a better online experience for your consumers.
  • Image and Graphic Services: E-commerce customers rely on visual aids to shop and make purchases, so it's critical for startups to feature high-quality, well categorized, and easily searchable image databases to maximize the selling chances. Image resizing, editing, cropping, image enhancement, and thumbnail creation can complement the online experience for consumers.
  • Bounding Box and Image Tagging: Startups can create a more interactive and immersive experience for their customers, and ensure that they can effortlessly find and view products based on certain criteria. Images can be organized and classified according to specific descriptive components such as material style, color, theme, etc.
  • Data Mining for Marketing: E-commerce startups can build customer profiles and customer loyalty incentives, improve their brand, develop marketing strategies, assemble contact lists, design targeted email marketing campaigns, and compile information from social media with data mining.
  • Competitor Monitoring: E-commerce startups can gain insight about changing prices, competitor profitability, competitor websites, and other supportive information via Data Mining and Competitor Information Capture.

The Value of a Trusted Offshore Partnership

Offshoring data entry helps startups accomplish delivery goals in time and establish themselves within a highly competitive industry while ensuring that they can focus on the most important aspects of running a new business.

Data Entry Outsourced (DEO) has over a decade of experience helping startup companies in the e-commerce sector and provides a myriad of services tailored to support their online presence. With scalable options, customized service ranges, and flexible pricing models, DEO has brought value, integrity, and reliable solutions to e-commerce startups. Contact us to get started.

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